Sunday, April 3, 2016

Say hello to spring, and new beginnings

Will spring stay this time, or will winter reappear? I don't know about you, but it seems to me like spring will never come and just stick around for more than a few days. Just when I think she's here for good, we get a surprise like we did last night and wake up to a ground blanketed with a thin sheet of beautiful, white...snow.

I always love spring. There's something incredibly beautiful about the newness of it all. The stark, brown of winter is replaced almost overnight by little hints of green and beautiful buds that peek ever so slightly through the old dead leftovers of last year's weeds. Isn't that a little bit like life, and new beginnings, especially when we allow God to breathe new life into our worn out souls?

Anna and I have decided to start something new for this season. I love to write, she loves all things photography, and we both love pretty much anything outdoors. So we've decided to start having a bit of fun blogging about it (beginning in a few weeks), and we'd like to invite you along for the adventure. One of the things we'd like to do is showcase the beautiful Shenandoah Valley where we live, and give you just a glimpse of what you, too, could enjoy if you'd like to come visit this beautiful place. We love it, and we think you will too.

Anna is a teenager who also loves hiking and, given her love for photography, she publishes every possible "instagram-worthy" moment for her friends and followers to see. Me, I need to get in shape. I could wax eloquent about all the other reasons we'd love to take you on our more "outdoorsy" adventures, but that would be boring...these right here are the real reasons, so there you have it. For the moment, I won't bore you with the rest.

Anna and I both also, like so many of you these days, have to eat gluten free. Most people who know us know that any travel adventure for us is also a culinary adventure, so maybe we'll blog about that too. You just never know. 

What we do want is for you to enjoy life as much as we do. God didn't create us to sit home and wither away -- He made all this for us to enjoy! So, join us, will you?
